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Mastery of Knowledge & Skills - Claim 2:

ALL Students: Our special education and economically disadvantaged sub groups  demonstrate consistent and significant annual growth over time in their math and literacy skills and outperform their state, district and comparison schools peers.

The Story:

Since our opening in 2001 REALMS has always attracted a diverse group of learners, many of whom have struggled with school in the past. In the early 2000’s, most would have characterized our demographic as very “at risk”, academically, socially, and/or behaviorally. Throughout our history as a school we have always enrolled a higher percentage of Special Education (SPED) students than District average and a higher number of Talented and Gifted (TAG) students than District average. In the last few years, the number of SPED and TAG students at REALMS has been approximately twice the District average.

Ten years ago, our students lagged well behind their District peers in both math and literacy skills. However, as we have deepened our implementation of EL Education’s Core Practices, our students mastery of grade level content and skills has grown and over the past four years our students have consistently outperformed their state and district peers in both math and English language arts (ELA).


This growth in achievement levels has been also true for our most vulnerable learners - those who qualify for special education services and those who come from households that qualify for free & reduced lunch.

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