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Character - Claim 3:

Service: In the School

Service in the School


In addition to service learning opportunities that are woven into the classroom curriculum, students at REALMS have frequent opportunities to be of service to school during our elective program, through after school clubs, and even at lunch!


Through these experiences, students build a habit of service that goes with them as they move to high school and beyond.

Kitchen Ninjas


Our kitchen ninjas are a volunteer force that help prepare, serve and clean up our hot lunch program every day! Our commitment to stewardship means that we choose to eat off of re-usable plates rather than paper boats... with no dishwasher on site it falls to our Ninjas to get the job done:


Because of our Kitchen Ninja Program and our focus on sustainable systems, REALMS students have prevented an estimated 10,065 boats, 10,065 cups, 3,355 bowls, and 366 gallons of food waste from entering Knott Landfill in the 2015-16 school year!



The REALMS Green Team - Student Led, Solar Powered!


Our Green Team is an elective class that a small but committed group of students and staff have kept alive. Due to these students, REALMS received Merit status from the Green School Network - the only middle school in Bend to have accomplished this level.


The kids have a mission to train all of our students in sustainable practices, as you can see from the videos below! Next stop... solar panels!




The Green Team's Mission and Projects




The Green Team on Saving Paper Towels




The Green Team on Recycling at REALMS



Friday Afternoon Electives - An Opportunity For Service


Middle school is an amazing time for kids to explore new experiences and a true elective program is a great way to do that. Every Friday afternoon REALMS students have an elective class that they participate in for a whole semester. There are classes on and off campus, and many of the elective classes through the years have focused on service with local non-profits.

Current and Past Partners:


Here are just a few of the local agencies that our students have worked on semester long projects with:


Habitat For Humanity

Whispering Winds Retirement Home

The Family Kitchen

The Humane Society

Chimps Inc

The Bloom Project

The Humane Society

Equine Outreach

Local Farms including our own garden!

And more...

Student Leadership Club


True leadership is an act of service in and of itself. Our student leadership team organizes dances, spearheads random acts of kindness days, finds ways to celebrate and honor teachers, and helps mentor new students as they enter our school.


They embody servant leadership!

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